- Customize any element – Canvas will let you customize the style and typography of every element in the design. Packed with 100+ options, it allows you to make your blog look exactly like you want!
- Google Font Support – You can change any text on your site to the font of your liking, and also use the awesome Google Font to go beyond those standard web-safe fonts.
- Use your own images in design – The options panel lets you upload your own images for use as main background image and header background image. It’s never been this easy!
- Easy to change width – Canvas lets you easily change between 6 different site widths (1200, 980, 960, 940, 880 and 760 pixels) and also has an option to box your layout in.
- Change your layout – You can also choose between 6 different layouts for and order of content/sidebars (full width, 2 col left, 2 col right, 3 col left, 3 col middle, 3 col right). Canvas also lets you specify individual layouts per post or page!
- Custom Page Templates – Canvas features a Magazine and Business page template, both with javascript sliders so now you can easily setup your homepage to act as a magazine or business theme.
- Tumblog Functionality with iPhone App publishing – Canvas now supports WooTumblog functionality so it can function like a Tumblr theme, and you can use our new Express iPhone App to publish to your Canvas powered blog! NEW!
- Custom Widgets – The theme has 2 widgetized areas in sidebar and 4 widgetized areas in footer (optional), and also some extra Woo custom widgets (Woo Tabs, Flickr, Twitter, Adspace, Search).
- Child Theme Friendly – Canvas is the first theme from WooThemes that has made use of custom hooks, which makes it a lot easier to customize the theme via a child theme without touching any code in the main parent theme. Download our sample child theme Fresh Canvas to get started.
- Canvas BuddyPress Child Theme – Canvas comes bundled with a child theme that you can activate to offer social networking on your WordPress powered website, thanks to the BuddyPress plugin. This child theme caters for all the BuddyPress modules and still allows for the layout and styling controls over the template coloring, typography and sidebar positioning. NEW!
- Custom Shortcodes – Easily add buttons, boxes, social buttons, columns and more to your posts, pages and widgets
- Sidebar Manager — Sidebar Manager allows you to replace all widgetized sidebars and footers in our themes with unique custom sidebar
- Custom Navigation — Woo Custom Navigation has officially become part of the WordPress core. WP Menus allows you to customize the themes navigation to include pages, categories and custom links.
- Built-in SEO Options — All themes now include SEO options to help propel your site’s search engine ranking.
- Localized for Translations
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Auto-Sizing Thumbnails
- Based on WooFramework
Price: Standard: $70 Developer: $150
WooThemes Club Membership: $15 – $20 per month
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WooThemes offers a range of quality WordPress themes covering a wide variety of niches including: business, CMS, magazine & news, portfolio, photography, lifestream, multimedia, personal, professional and mirco blog designs.