- Modern CSS-based layout with advanced features. You can change general theme width from 980px to 1200px.
- Poliemic users are able to Sort posts by Most Recent and Most Commented filters. This feature available for Category, Search, Archives and Author pages.
- You can change theme colors and control main text and titles font size by using Color Control Settings.
- You can display excerpts or full posts, depending on your needs.
- 6 custom Page Templates for Contact page, Archives, Sitemap, Fullwidth etc.
- This news theme comes with 4 widget places.
- 20 custom Shortcodes to style your inpage content.
- Amazing typography styles.
- 12 custom NattyWP widgets.
- Integrated NattyWP Theme Framework to tweak the layout, color scheme etc.
- Additional page templates for Archives, Sitemap and Fullwidth.
- SEO Optimized Layout with custom SEO settings.
- Automatic Image Resizer
- You can add video to your post from more than twenty video services such as Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
- Drop-down menu´s; You can exclude any page and choose between displaying pages or categories.
- You could split a single post up into different web pages.
- Banner and Adsense management.
- Built-in Gravatar Support for Comments.
- Threaded Comments for WordPress. Fully compatible with WP 3.1
Polemic Theme: $25
Club Membership: $75