- Completely editable slideshow area. Add Images, Videos, HTML, etc.
- Manage your products by creating product sections (like categories for the posts) and tags.
- Clean and simple homepage layout helps you focus users directly on your product.
- Configure Theme Options, Colors, Background, Font sizes.
- Upload your own logo, or change default logo text to something else.
- You can display excerpts or full posts on you Blog and Products pages.
- Custom page templates helps you create Contact page, Archives, Sitemap, Fullwidth pages etc.
- 5 widget spaces where you can place default and additional NattyWP widget. Separate widget areas for blog section, post/page and product page.
- 20 custom Shortcodes to style your inpage content.
- Amazing typography styles.
- 12 custom NattyWP widgets. Manage Flickr, Twitter and other social networks, create FeedBurner feed and subscribe users, manage Banners and Adsense, add quick contact form and display latest videos.
iLicious Theme: $35
Develop License: $75
Club Membership: $10-20/month