Standard: $50
Developer: $100
Membership: $15/month
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Obox Design also offers a range of professional & premium WordPress / Tumblr / Posterous themes including magazine / news, presonal blog, media, photo gallery, video and business / CMS templates.
OCMX Live is an advanced Framework which comes packaged with every Obox Theme, turning your WordPress site into an even more powerful content management system.
- Events – This feature enables you to show people an event that you’re going to be at or hosting. Using events you can add dates, sound clips, videos and a map of where the event is held.
- Achievements – List all your achievements and goals with this post type. You can list achievements in different categories, such as work or sport, and you can feature your most proud achievements on the homepage. Achievements will be a big part of future development with this theme and others. As more of you use it we will cater for more requirements for our users.
- Audio – Are you a musician, band member or DJ? If so then you can embed your latest Soundcloud music clips. You can include a write up and let visitors comment on each audio post. Rocking.
- Video – Ambition enables you to post hosted video from the likes of Vimeo and Youtube or self-hosted which you’ve uploaded to WordPress.
- Sponsors – One of the most important things as a sportsman are your sponsors. They have made sure to give you the opportunity to give them as much showtime as possible. Add their logos, descriptions, links and even video of each backer that you have.
- Galleries – Upload the latest images from your most recent events, allow visitors to comment on each one and link to relevant sponsors or events.
- Contact Details – Allows you to add your contact number and/or email address. With your amazing talent and showcase of your skills you need a clear way for your fans and prospective sponsors to contact you.
- Customization – Ambition is the first Obox Theme to make full use of the new customization API implemented in the latest version of WordPress.